AEM.Design is about giving you a starting point of your project but by your future self.

Its about starting with AEM at a point in your journey after you have learned what AEM is.

  • After you have realised that authors actually should build your experience.

  • After you have mastered the deployment cycles.

  • After you have learned what type of testing gives you best outcomes.

  • After you have been trough the “Works on My Machine” certification program.

  • After you have learned what happens to your servers if everyone users the console.

  • After you have tried to standardise your environments.

  • After all that and much much more learning your future self built a project base for you to start doing things without repeating them, much…

The aim is to present a design that is scaled from the get go.

A design that integrated best practices and enables you to concentrate on things that matter to your customers.

So if you are tired of spending countless hours on blog’s, micro-sites and arguing with arrogant forum admins, without getting a full picture.

We welcome you to try our work.


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