Image Conventions

10 minute read


Understanding of Asset placement on pages and asset HTML presentation is crucial to saving effort for Authors and limiting the amount of manual image manipulation that would otherwise be required.


Images are vital to great content; the ability to add images to content as well as for presentation is essential as it provides the ability to differentiate your content. Authoring ability to leverage the same Asset in a different location without additional work is crucial to authoring activities. Authors need to spend more time creating content and rely on DLS and CMS to provide the heavy lifting of Asset presentation.

Asset renditions are versions of an asset in a specific aspect ratio. Generating and caching Asset renditions provides substantial performance improvements as well as predictable capacity planning. This process starts at the Design Language System (DLS) that must set these guidelines and follow them throughout all components. These conventions must be understood by all designers, developers and all content authors, as these conventions will save a lot of effort for all involved.

Authors must be encouraged to upload the highest resolution images into DAM. This allows DAM workflows to use the original image for generating smaller renditions. As assets are uploaded to DAM a workflow is executed, and relevant renditions are generated and stored alongside the original image in DAM. The original image is restricted in its usage, due to obvious size implications, and is only displayed when renditions are missing.

Image Restrictions

The full list of supported asset types can be found at

Generally, most image formats are supported by AEM and will work with the rendition workflows to create the various rendition sizes listed below. Any caveats are listed here.


SVGs should be treated as special cases as they are best suited to logos and icons, rather than photos. Because they are vector-based, rather than rasterised, SVG’s can be scaled up or down without loss of quality. Further details can be found at

SVG’s can be uploaded to the AEM DAM, and it will generate renditions, but this should be considered an edge case. The use of SVG’s should be limited to special cases such as logos and icons that are integrated into the site via code, rather than being added as a background image through the component authoring tools.

To further complicate matters, due to SVG’s being XML files, they can contain optional XML elements which are not supported by AEM and will cause the image rendition workflow to fail, rendering the image unusable in AEM.

So far the following elements have been identified:

  • <linearGradient>

Rendition Sizes

Following is reference image rendition sizes

Rendition Name Dimensions (width x height) Dimensions - Retina Responsive Media Query Notes
4K (UHD) 3840 x 2160 No image available 3840=(min-width: 3840px) Retina image requires the original source image to be 8K
2K (QHD) 2560 x 1440 No image available 2560=(min-width: 2560px) and (max-width: 3839px) Retina image requires the original source image to be 5K
Widescreen (HD) 1920 x 1080 Use 4K (UHD) non retina rendition 1920=(min-width: 1920px) and (max-width: 2559px) Retina image requires the original source image to be 4K
Extra Large 1792 x 1008 3584 x 2016 1792=(min-width: 1792px) and (max-width: 1919px) Retina image requires the original source image to be 4K
Large 1280 x 720 Use 2K (QHD) non retina rendition 1280=(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1791px) Retina image requires the original source image to be at least 2K
Medium 896 x 504 Use Extra Large non retina rendition 896=(min-width: 896px) and (max-width: 1279px)  
Standard (wide) 640 x 360 Use Large non retina rendition 640=(min-width: 640px) and (max-width: 895px)  
Standard 512 x 288 1024 x 576 512=(min-width: 512px) and (max-width: 639px)  
Small 384 x 216 768 x 432 384=(max-width: 511px)  
Small (low res) 256 x 144 Use the same non-retina version   Set 30% jpeg compression quality. To be used for lazy loading.

AEM Rendition Considerations

There are a few limitations to AEMs image rendition creation that is worth being aware of:

  • It is not possible to generate a rendition which is larger than the original image. For example, if you upload an image which is 1280x720 (Large rendition), it will not generate any of the renditions which are bigger than this (e.g. Extra Large rendition)
  • For images which are not of a 16:9 aspect ratio, the image height is the dimension which maps to that set by the rendition. For example, the Standard rendition (which is set to 512x288) could become 431x288, where 288 is the same height as that specified by the rendition height, but the width changes to 431 rather than 512 so the image is not stretched/squashed.
  • If the maximum rendition size is increased, this size will need to be reflected in the OSGI config Day CQ DAM Buffered Image Cache. This can be set by an admin directly on the environments via /system/config/configMgr and should also be updated in the code repo.

File Size Considerations

As a reference for helping plan storage disk capacity:

  • 1 sample 4K (3840 x 2160) 16:9 image which was originally 1.1MB in size takes up 4.8MB of disk space and consists of 18 image files (1 original and 17 rendition images).

Component Image Map

Images, when added to components as the background will need to scale to match container for the image. Larger images are selected based on the type of device which is specified using a media query.

Images, when placed into a card as an action image representing content, have a specific size that is defined in DLS, image container is smaller in size and dimension than the image. In this situation, a smaller image is selected based on the type of device which is specified using a media query.

Background - Tall

Tall background applies to tall page headers.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (UHD) 3840 x 600 4K (UHD) Tall - Desktop (UHD)  
Desktop (QHD) 2560 x 600 2K (QHD) Tall - Desktop (QHD)  
Desktop (Extra Large) 1920 x 600 Widescreen (HD) Tall - Desktop (Extra Large)  
Desktop (Large) 1366 x 600 Extra Large Tall - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 1024 x 600 Large Tall - Desktop  
Tablet 640 x 580 Large Tall - Tablet The Large rendition is needed here because the height is a tad bit taller than other landscape components. If this wasn’t the case and it was 480px-500px then it would scale properly without over-scaling or cropping.
Mobile 320 x 200 Small Tall - Mobile  

Background - Narrow

Narrow background applies to the background in a column.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (UHD) 3840 x 600 4K (UHD) Narrow - Desktop (UHD)  
Desktop (QHD) 2560 x 600 2K (QHD) Narrow - Desktop (QHD)  
Desktop (Extra Large) 1920 x 600 Widescreen (HD) Narrow - Desktop (Extra Large)  
Desktop (Large) 1366 x 600 Extra Large Narrow - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 1024 x 600 Large Narrow - Desktop  
Tablet 640 x 580 Large Narrow - Tablet The Large rendition is needed here because the height is a tad bit taller than other landscape components. If this wasn’t the case and it was 480px-500px then it would scale properly without over-scaling or cropping.
Mobile 320 x 200 Small Narrow - Mobile  

List - Card x3 (wide)

This applies to a set of 3 cards in a row.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (Large) 352 x 210 Small Card x3 - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop / Tablet 260 x 160 Small Card x3 - Desktop / Tablet  
Mobile 270 x 145 Small Card x3 - Mobile  

List - Card x2 (wide)

This applies to a set of 2 cards in a row.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (Large) 542 x 220 Standard (wide) Card x2 - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 400 x 160 Standard Card x2 - Desktop  
Tablet 542 x 178 Standard (wide) Card x2 - Tablet  
Mobile 288 x 154 Small Card x2 - Mobile  

List - Card with Media

This applies to a set of cards that have media content.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (Large) 552 x 500 Medium Card with Media - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 414 x 435 Medium Card with Media - Desktop  
Tablet 540 x 300 Standard (wide) Card with Media - Tablet  
Mobile 288 x 150 Small Card with Media - Mobile  

List - Card with Media (full width)

This applies to a set of cards that have media overlay.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (Large) 880 x 495 Medium Card with Media Full Width - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 660 x 370 Medium Card with Media Full Width - Desktop  
Tablet 542 x 335 Standard (wide) Card with Media Full Width - Tablet  
Mobile 270 x 170 Small Card with Media Full Width - Mobile  

List - Card with Metadata

This applies to a set of cards that have metadata showing as overlay.

Breakpoint Dimensions Rendition Focal Point Overlay Notes
Desktop (Large) 700 x 495 Medium Card with Metadata - Desktop (Large)  
Desktop 550 x 370 Medium Card with Metadata - Desktop  
Tablet 500 x 280 Standard (wide) Card with Metadata - Tablet  
Mobile 260 x 162 Small Card with Metadata - Mobile  


All image renditions will be stored in DAM as physical renditions. This saves time in generating these renditions on the fly and allows authoring control when required e.g. Authors can update renditions when needed.

Additionally, when selecting images for placement where available Authors will be able to choose a type of approach for rendering available renditions. Following is the outline of rendering options for images.

Responsive: use existing renditions

A default strategy for selecting an asset is a responsive image; this gives the best experience for end-users and has least authoring overhead as no selection needed to be made. By default, the template for this rendering option has a list of all configured renditions that cover all supported devices outlined in Rendition Sizes.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="" component="true" data-layer-componentpath="article/par/contentblock4/par/image" class="image imageTitleDescription" role="banner" id="image4" data-layer-track="false" data-asset-id="5b1dc46d-858c-4b3a-b23b-5f8b6e0e6770" data-asset-trackable="true" data-asset-licensed="false" data-analytics-event-label="city3.jpg" data-analytics-metatype="image/jpeg" data-analytics-filename="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg">
         <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]-->
         <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.48.48.png" 
                media="(min-width: 1px) and (max-width: 72px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.140.100.png" 
                media="(min-width: 73px) and (max-width: 210px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png" 
                media="(min-width: 211px) and (max-width: 478px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpeg" 
                media="(min-width: 478px)">
            <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
            <img itemprop="contentUrl" 
      <div class="description" itemprop="description">Image that has no title</div>

Manual: responsive background with custom renditions per media query

Some scenarios need for manual selection of renditions.

Following author selections allow selection of existing renditions for a specific media query, providing exceptional control to authors.


Result in generations of this picture template.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="" 
    component="true" data-layer-componentpath="article/par/contentblock24/par/image" 
    class="image" role="banner" id="image24" data-layer-track="false" 
    data-asset-trackable="true" data-asset-licensed="false" 
      <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]-->
         media="(min-width: 768px)">
         media="(min-width: 768px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (min-width: 992px)">
      <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
      <img itemprop="contentUrl" 

Generate: generate new image with current image edits

Existing image functionality allows some modification of the original image using the Generated Image options allows leveraging this functionality.


The resulting template contains a link to the current image path with a timestamp.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="" 
    component="true" data-layer-componentpath="article/par/contentblock20/par/image" 
    class="image" role="banner" id="image20" data-layer-track="false" 
    data-asset-trackable="true" data-asset-licensed="false" 
   <img class="img-fluid " itemprop="contentUrl" 

Adaptive: generate new renditions with quality settings for each breakpoint

Adaptive image is a service that is configured with a system set fixed-list of rendition widths that can be used for image sizing. Authors either can accept the default list of mapping or specify a custom list based on system configurations.


The template contains a list of all media queries and link to the asset with predefined selectors that trigger a service.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="" component="true" data-layer-componentpath="article/par/contentblock19/par/image" class="image imageTitleDescription" role="banner" id="image19" data-layer-track="false" data-asset-id="4a0c05b8-10af-439a-8e04-c56386d9618d" data-asset-trackable="true" data-asset-licensed="false" data-analytics-event-label="Asset Title" data-analytics-metatype="image/jpeg" data-analytics-filename="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg">
         <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]-->
         <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.480.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1px) and (max-width: 533px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.640.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 534px) and (max-width: 691px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.720.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 692px) and (max-width: 770px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.800.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 771px) and (max-width: 848px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.960.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 849px) and (max-width: 1008px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.1024.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1009px) and (max-width: 1075px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.1280.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1076px) and (max-width: 1331px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.1440.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1332px) and (max-width: 1572px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.1920.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1573px) and (max-width: 1971px)">
            <source srcset="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city2.jpg.img.2048.jpg" 
                media="(min-width: 1971px)">
            <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
            <img itemprop="contentUrl" 
                alt="Asset Headline" title="Asset Title">
         <h4>Asset Title</h4>
      <div class="description" itemprop="description">Asset Description</div>

Rendition: pick suitable image rendition

Some scenarios require the selection of a specific rendition based on a set width of and asset.


This template only contains the image that was matched based on the specified width.

<div itemscope="" itemtype="" 
    component="true" data-layer-componentpath="article/par/contentblock17/par/image" 
    class="image" role="banner" id="image17" data-layer-track="false" 
    data-asset-trackable="true" data-asset-licensed="false" 
   <img class="img-fluid " itemprop="contentUrl" src="/content/dam/aemdesign-showcase/en/components/media/image/city3.jpg/_jcr_content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png" title="city3.jpg">

We hope these image conventions will help you design a much more robust Design Language System that will ensure the author will fully leverage the power of AEM.

If you want to check out these image conventions in actions start by running AEM container, you can find how to get started here: docker-aem-bundle, once you have a docker container running head over to showcase to checkout Image Component.

Once again if you need help reach out to us, we will be happy to help.


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