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End of the Year is a few days away!

It’s was great feeling to bring the Touch UI Migration so close to the end of the year!

But it’s almost as exciting as completing the Touch UI Testing of exact same components that just have been migrated!

TouchUI Testing

Testing utils and all Specs have been migrated from Classic UI to TouchUI.

Additionally PhantomJS has been depreciated in favor of Headless Chrome!!

As you all know development of PhantomJS has been abandoned in favour of Chrome Headless. This comes as a welcome move as lots of latest JS and CSS features where hard to test using PhantomJS.

This is another awesome milestone to be carried as a great base for upcoming projects in 2018!

Happy New Year to all!!! See you all next year!!!

PS. Look forward to our JECIS integration coming early next year!!! We are going to use JECIS Framework to deliver eCommerce capability blueprint to your projects!!!

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